Google Marketing

Save time and reduce stress

Google Marketing is important in getting to the number one spot on a Google search this makes a big difference to your organisation’s success. With 90% of internet searches going through Google, getting your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) right to get to that top spot is critical.

Putting the right systems in place in the right way can be complicated, time-consuming and sometimes frustrating. Our team will support your organisation with tools like Google Analytics, Webmasters, Pay Per Click (PPC) and Google My Business to take the headache out of SEO.

Top ranking is what we want for you.

For a free quotation or advise, please CLICK BELOW


Halifax Google Marketing Company

Pay Pay Click (PPC)


Google My Business


Google Analytics


Common Questions

We Are often Asked

A few questions answered regarding our Google Marketing & PPC services.
For all enquiries, please contact our team. We are here to help in any way we can.

Our team are trained with all Google marketing services including Google Analytics, Webmasters, PPC and Business.

YES! We will set up all necessary accounts for you, ensuring all settings and company information is added correctly to increase performance.

This will depend on how big your campaign is and the budget you allocate, however, we guarantee we will spend as much time as necessary to implement and create a successful campaign for your business.

Yes! We offer full training on all Google services to either yourself or your marketing team.
Training can be done at either your location or ours. For more information, please contact our team.
We have no set contract fees as every company has different requirements.
On average, however, our monthly maintenance packages range between £150-£350 per month.
We will work closely with you to set the correct budget for your needs and monitor your expenditure so as not to exceed the budget given.
Using different analytic tools, we will measure how well your campaign is going and provide monthly reports on its progress and success.
No. There are no fixed fees or contracts with our Google Marketing packages.
You have full control over your account information and expenditure. You can stop and close down an account, or cancel a campaign with us, at any point.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please simply contact us at any time.

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