Website Care Plans

Three Simple Pricing Options

Please find below our custom built range of Website Care Plans, unique to our studio to ensure your website stays upto date with regular updates and testing to maintain it performs at its very best in Speed, Security, Functionality and Search Engine Rankings.

We also offer full Website Hosting & Email Packages from just £15mth.
For more details please contact a member of our team.


£3000per mth
  • The essentials to help keep your website finely tuned, up to date and secure!
  • Plugin & Theme Updates
  • Core Platform CMS Updates
  • Contact Form & CAPCHA Check & Testing
  • SSL Maintenance
  • Full Manual Site & Database Backup (Monthly)
  • Full Site Flushing
  • Submission to our CRM Client System
  • Ecommerce Updates & Checkout Testing
  • Upto 1x Website (+£10 per additional sites)


£5000per mth
  • Upto 30min of Services & Updates (Worth £30)
  • Plugin & Theme Updates
  • Core Platform CMS Updates
  • Contact Form & CAPCHA Check & Testing
  • SSL Maintenance
  • Full Manual Site & Database Backup (Weekly)
  • Full Site Flushing
  • Free Malware Removal
  • McAfee Trusted Source Check
  • Google Webmasters Maintenance
  • Submission to our CRM Client System
  • Ecommerce Updates & Checkout Testing
  • Upto 2x Websites (+£20 per additional sites)
  • Free Web Hosting (only valid if on a GillGraphics Hosting Plan)


£15000per mth
  • Upto 2 hours of Services & Updates (Worth £120)
  • Plugin & Theme Updates
  • Core Platform CMS Updates
  • Contact Form & CAPCHA Check & Testing
  • SSL Maintenance
  • Full Manual Site & Database Backup (Weekly)
  • Full Site Flushing
  • Free Malware Removal
  • McAfee Trusted Source Check
  • Google Webmasters Maintenance
  • Submission to our CRM Client System
  • Ecommerce Updates & Checkout Testing
  • Upto 5x Websites (Call for additional sites)
  • Out of Hours Support Line & Services
  • 48hrs Priority Updates & Support Time
  • Free Web Hosting (only valid if on a GillGraphics Hosting Plan)

* We offer an Essentials Care Plan for HTML websites at £10mth, which includes Monthly Backups, SSL Maintenance, Contact Form Checks and submission to our CRM Client system.

* Each maintenance structure above are completed once a month.

* Websites which are hosted with external companies other than our own GillGraphics dedicated server, will be maintained in the same way, however our team will require full hosting Cpanel access.

* Plugins and themes requiring a license for updates & renewals will be charged additionally to the monthly care plan fee.

* Free Website Hosting on plans ‘Silver’ and ‘Gold’ is only only vaid if using a GillGraphics Hosting package.

Care Plan Features

See below our individual services completed each month in detail below:

Common Questions

Why do I need a Website Care Plan?

Like the car on your drive, your website runs with a large number of essential parts to work efficiently and correctly. Also like a car, without regular maintenance servicing, unwanted problems could occur resulting in unexpected costly bills and could disable your website completely resulting in loss of sales or client enquiries.

Due to this we offer the ultimate Website Care Plan packages from just £50mth, including all the essential services to ensure your site stays running efficiently, fast and secure at all times.

Over the years we have maintained hundreds of websites, ranging from small blogs to large ecommerce stores, giving us expert experience to ensure your website performs at its very best.

What are website Plugins, Themes and CMS Core Functions, and why do they need updating?

The Plugins/ Themes and CMS Core functions are like the individual parts within a cars engine. In the same way these parts work together creating the design framework and functionalities to a website.

Each of these parts are regularly updated by the individual creators of each plugin/ themes to which require installing, activating and testing on your site. If these elements are not regularly updated to the latest version you often find the previous versions will fail to work, resulting in your website breaking down, in the same way your car may if an engine part breaks. due to this it is vital that these are regularly regulated and updated to ensure the performance and functionality of your site.

What benefits do I get from a Care Plan rather than just coming to you whenever needed?

The Care Plans have been created and put into place for two vital purposes – to massively reduce the event of your website encountering problems and breaking down (Resulting in down time and potential loss of sales and enquiries) and to also save you money in potential costly repairs which would be charged at our usual per hour rate.

What does the added time of services include?

The additional service time allocated within the advanced Care Plans can be used for anything related to your website or overall marketing. These services can include website updates to imagery, text edits or blogs, Graphic Design, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Services and Google Marketing. The service time also includes general website & marketing questions, consultancy and any research that you may require.

What nightmare examples can go wrong if I don’t have a Care Plan?

Your website could get hacked – The plugins behind your site can be vulnerable. This means without the correct procedures and updates to protect them, they can become open to being hacked into. A hacked site means your entire online business can be taken down in an instant and personal data could be stolen. This would not only be a security risk to both you and your clients, but can also result in a loss of revenue and be costly to fix.

Core Functionalities can stop working – Website plugins and code that are not updated regularly can be ticking time bombs filled with growing file inconsistencies and potential code conflicts which can break at any moment leaving key functionalities within your website to crash and stop working.

Malware Attack – Without regular updates to the latest versions, Themes and Plugins can lose their security by not being capable to block the latest Malware codes scanning the internet. This leaves your website open to Malware attacks which if infected can harm your website, your company and even your clients data. Malware infections are known to email out abusive and sexual content using your domain email, disable your website and lose your SEO rankings. Search engines will also remove your website from their database if they find Malicious Malware software within your website, which can be time costly to remove from your site and can take upto 7days to re-establish your search rankings back.

Having no Backup when required – In the event that something goes wrong, a full back up of the website’s files and database may need to be reinstated. Without regular backups you run the risk of resulting in an old backup being uploaded, which could be missing the data of recent page creations, content changes, product uploads and customer sales records.

Layout & Stylesheets Breaking – All layouts and style sheets are built using HTML and CSS codes, which over time can cause issues if they are not updated to modern Browser standards. This could leave your website layouts broken leaving an unprofessional feel to your website and may even stop your web users accessing and navigating around your web pages, potentially losing sales and enquiries.

Loss of SEO rankings – Search Engines such as Google rank websites by a number a factors, to which some key areas includes how well maintained your website is month to month. After a scan of your site Google can see which updates have been made or more importantly not been made, which can effect your overall website SEO score. On the occasions of Malware attacks and Hacking, you often find that Search Engines will remove your site from the ranking results fully.

Loss of Sales & Enquiries – Without regular checks and updates your website could be disabled and effected in a large number of ways which can stop key functions on your site from working, layouts to break or even security warnings to appear if Search Engines see your site as unsafe. All these can highly effect your user experience which could put off visitors from purchasing products or making enquiries.

When would you complete the tasks within the plan on my site?

Your Care Plan services will be scheduled for a dedicated date each month, usually corresponding closely with the date the plan is confirmed and setup. If you have a particular date/ day you would prefer the work to be completed however then please let us know for us to accommodate this.

Will you tell me each month what work has been done?

Due to the large amount of sites we support each month we do not provide written reports to each client as standard. This said on request we are more than happy to provide an email on how the updates and checks go each month, letting you know what has been done and which themes, plugins and cms core modules were updated.

My website was built by another web agency, will you still maintain it?

Yes! Around 30% of the websites we currently maintain were not originally built by our in-house team. Before we start your Care Plan however, we would require to take a brief site audit of your site, looking into how the site was built, plugins/themes used, and overall health, which is completed free of charge by our expert team.

How do I get billed for the Care Plan each month?

As standard we setup a Direct Debit for your monthly payments, to which you will receive an invoice receipt after each payment is made for your own account records.

If you would prefer not to pay via automatic Direct Debits, on request we can invoice each month however please note maintenance services will be halted if payments are not made or delayed.

Please note there are no contracts and that the Care Plans can be cancelled at any time by yourself.